Arcaea Wiki

This lists all the words and structures to form Alician, a language used by Alice Schach and the Magic Orchestra.

If the Japanese word is derived from English, then the Alician transcriptions will be the same as the English word.

Some interjections are too obvious, so they’re not included in this dictionary.

Two words connected with a slash, but not in parentheses, means that the transcription is debatable.

Words in brackets indicate the Japanese meaning.


Arla: White (白い)
Amer: Lie (嘘)
Dooom: Deep (深い)
Drone: Alone/Lonely (ひとり)
Eala: Drip (滴る)
Efok: Cough (咳)
Elize: Therefore (だから)
Enes: People (人たち)
Ewol: Dull grey (鈍色/灰色)
Grend: Justice (正義)
Hellm: Illusion (幻)
Herz: Heart (心)
Herches: Heart (心臓)
Hiele: Look! <interjection> (ほら)
Lila: Girl (少女)
Loog: Long (長い)
Lootaria: Eternal (永遠, but usually dropped in translation to indicate a never ending object)
Flake Luan/Luan falke: Leave quickly (早く行く)
Melart: Sorry (ごめんなさい)
Meeti: Border (国境)
Mii: I/Me (私)
Nai: Not a... (無い)
Nols: Day (数)
Nouche: Night (夜)
Olis: Very, really (とても)
Ranya: look, the View (景色, 見る)
Saryate: Together (一緒に)
Vell: Thing (こと)
Wiina: Sleep (眠り)
Will: Heartbeat (鼓動)
Yiep/Phier: Please (Phier: お願い)
Zel: Nothing (何も…ない)

Particles and demonstratives:

1. And (if connecting two nouns together)

Bis: (Depends on position)
Placed at the end of the sentence: Here (ここ)
Placed anywhere else: It’s/This (これ/この)
And (if connecting more than two nouns together
OR connecting two or more adjectives or numbers)
Imm: acts like に/で
O: Am, is, are, was, were, might be, etc. (Usually dropped)
End ol: That (as in Days that I cried, mission that I failed)
Ou: Of the (acts like の (with person/people being the modified), but structured backwards